Holding Absence verkünden neues Album
„The Noble Art Of Self Destruction“ heißt die neue Platte und wird im August diesen Jahres veröffentlicht. Obwohl Holding Absence erst 2019 ihr erstes Album droppten, haben die Jungs bereits eine große Fanbase und mehrere bekannte Festivals bespielt. Ihr neuster Song heißt „False Down“, den ihr hier hören könnt:
Das sagt Holding Absence über den Song:
We are ecstatic to be dropping our brand new single ‚False Dawn‘ today. This is definitely a personal favourite for all of us on the record! A somewhat defeatist song about denouncing expectations, and coming to grips with failure – this song is a quintessential Holding Absence song, with it’s uptempo energy and downtrodden introspection. We hope you enjoy!
We enjoy! Nachschub bekommen wir am 25. August, wenn „The Noble Art Of Self Destruction“ (via SharpTone Records) veröffentlicht wird. Das Album wurde in Kanada in den Jukasa Studios aufgenommen. Produzent war hier Dan Weller, der bereits mit Bury Tomorrow und Enter Shikari zusammen arbeitete.
Statement der Band zum kommenden Album:
Today, we are pleased to announce the third Holding Absence album ‚The Noble Art of Self-Destruction‘ will be released on August 25th 2023! After an insanely busy and fulfilling album cycle for our second record, last October we spent a month in Jukasa Studios Canada, to record more new music. This record – the third in a trilogy – is by far our most conceptually rich and expansive body of work to date. We feel like these songs are almost a love letter to everything Holding Absence, and can’t wait to show everybody just how much space we have managed to cover, and how hard we were able to push ourselves with these songs.
Tracklist „The Noble Art Of Self Destruction“:
1. Head Prison Blues
2. A Crooked Melody
3. False Dawn
4. Scissors
5. Honey Moon
6. Death, Nonetheless
7. Her Wings
8. These New Dreams
9. Liminal
10. The Angel In The Marble
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Bildnachweis: Nuclear Blast.