Interview mit Eddie Berg von Imminence über „Turn the Light on“
Am 3. Mai 2019 veröffentlichte die schwedische Band Imminence ihr neues Album „Turn the Light on“ über Arising Empire. Unsere Review zum Album findet ihr Hier. Moshpit Passion hatte die Gelegenheit mit Eddie Berg von Imminence über das neue Album zu sprechen. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Lesen.
Why did you name the title of your coming album “Turn the Light on“? Does it have a special meaning for you as a band?
„Turn The Light On“ is about encouraging to shed light on the darkness that we carry within ourselves. In order to deal with problems like self-doubt, depression and self-destruction we first need to admit them to ourselves and bring ourselves toward the light.
On the upcoming album are many different music styles poured in, how did you get the inspiration for those?
We wrote songs for the sake of writing music that conveyed emotion within ourselves, that being regardless of the musical style. For us it’s not about making only one type of music, in order to not limit our creative freedom.
How was the process of creating and writing? Was it for you a challenge?
It’s been a difficult process for me personally, dealing with the lyrical subject of the album. The beginning of the process was a bit like stumbling in the dark without a clue of what direction we should take with this record. But as soon as we started to concern ourselves less about the musical style and instead trust our instincts as song-writers, the process moved more fluently.
Which song(s) of „Turn the Light on“ are your favorites?
I have different favorites for different reasons. ’Infectious’ for example is one because I think it perfectly show-cases the sound of our band, while for example ’Death of You’ is such a different song, yet so important to the variety of the album and I just love the atmosphere and the musical freedom of it; ’Love & Grace’ for the different lyrical subject, the deep personal connection and the complete distance from any kind of metal; ’Erase’ for its emotional impact, dynamics and big chorus and especially the heavy end with the album title reference; ’Lighthouse’ is another where we went as far in the heavy direction as possible with this album, while the lyrics are equally heavy, raw and desperate. Just to name a few.
Eddie, you directed the music video „Paralyzed“, how did you come up with the idea?
Actually, Pavel Trebukhin was the director of ’Paralyzed’ and ’Saturated Soul’ while I directed ’Infectious’ and ’Lighthouse’. We developed the visual concept of the album together with Pavel who had the initial idea and worked from there. With every video we just built on that universe and the symbolism of the storyline reflecting the theme of the album. The reason of why we split up the work-load was actually more because of a tight schedule on both
Do you want to do it more often in the future, directing music videos?
I think both. I absolutely loved working with Pavel on these videos and letting someone else take over the wheel, otherwise I feel like I won’t grow as much as a director. We will definitely work with Pavel again and I think I will definitely direct our own videos again.
Why did you call your band ”Imminence“?
When we started our band over nine years ago, I looked up some different English words with different meaning and got stuck on Imminence. But as we have grown as a band I think the meaning of the name did as well: ’the quality of being imminent, something about to happen or to occur’.
Which band affected you as a band?
In Flames was a major inspiration to us while starting the band so many years ago, but we all come from listening to different kind of bands and somehow I think we mixed up all those influences in there. For example Linkin Park, Thirty Seconds To Mars, August Burns Red, Being As An Ocean, Cult of Luna, Sigur Ros and Coldplay to name a few on my own behalf.
You have been on tour in Germany and going soon again, do you have already favorite locations or cities?
We love touring in Germany in general so it’s hard to pick a certain favorite. Every time we come back somewhere we are always surprised by the increase of support and love for our band.
Are Swedish fans different from the shows, like the energy in the crowd during the concert?
Actually we don’t play that often in Sweden because of the country’s big size and the smaller population, it doesn’t allow us to play here much. However I would love to change that fact and expand our touring territories.
With which band would like to go on tour?
A dream of mine would be touring with In Flames of course, but there’s a lot of great bands in the scene that would be amazing to tour with. I think it would be amazing to re-unite with some of the bands that we used to tour with many years ago (for example ’Our Hollow, Our Home’ and ’Normandie’) that have been growing alongside with us. To see those bands doing so well is a true pleasure and it would be great to come together in the future again.
What do you like better club or festival shows?
I love both of the formats because of different reasons. While the club shows of course can be much more intimate and intense, I also really enjoy the big feeling of doing a festival show. Being on stage is anyway something I just love and that I hope I will be for a long time.
Bildnachweis: Arising Empire.